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Nutrition, Recipes

How to choose the best type of whey protein for your training goals

Whey protein is a food supplement widely used by athletes, bodybuilders and physical activity enthusiasts looking to improve their health and sports performance. It is a high-quality protein that contains all the essential amino acids for building and repairing muscle. Learn about the different types of whey protein.

In addition, as this supplement is absorbed quickly by the body, it is considered an excellent option for post-workout, helping muscle recovery and reducing the pain resulting from intense physical exercise .

What many people don’t know is that there are a few different types of the product on the market, as well as various brands, flavors and versions. With so many options, it’s common to have doubts about the most suitable choice for your training goals.

The answer to these and other questions about whey can be found in the following article!

What is whey protein and what types are there?

Whey protein is a food supplement widely used by people looking to increase muscle mass and performance during physical exercise.

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Existem diferentes tipos de whey protein e cada um tem suas próprias características.

It is a high-quality protein that contains all the essential amino acids needed to build and repair muscle.

It is obtained from whey, which is separated during the cheese-making process. This whey is then filtered and processed to produce protein powder, which can be added to shakes, smoothies and recipes for various other foods.

There are several types of whey protein available on the market today, differing mainly in the way they are processed and filtered. Here are the three most common types:

Whey protein concentrate

This is the most common type of whey protein. It is produced using a simple filtration process, which removes most of the fat and carbohydrates from the whey, but still retains other nutrients such as lactose and minerals.

It’s a good option for those who are just starting to train and are looking for a quality protein at a more affordable price.

Although it is cheaper, a dose of concentrated whey protein generally has a lower protein content, and the process of digestion and absorption of this protein by the body can take longer compared to other types.

100% Whey Concentrate from Max Titanium

Whey Protein (WP) has a high biological value due to its high protein concentration and the presence of bioactive compounds, which is why it is currently considered a functional food.

Product with excellent value for money. Delivery of an excellent amount of protein at an affordable price.

Benefits of Whey Pro

  • Helps to gain muscle mass;
  • Aids muscle recovery;
  • Prevention of loss and maintenance of muscle mass;

It is generally recommended for those who need to consume a high amount of protein every day, for those on a low carb or ketogenic diet (with high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrates).

Whey protein isolate

This type of whey protein is manufactured using a more extensive filtration process, which removes even more fat and carbohydrates from the whey, leaving only the pure protein.

It therefore has a higher concentration of amino acids, making it the ideal option for people who want to minimize their dietary intake of lactose or carbohydrates.

Isolated whey options generally contain around 90% protein and a very low carbohydrate and fat content, so the product is absorbed more quickly by the body.

It can be recommended for athletes with low, medium and high intensity workouts.

Hydrolyzed whey protein

The third type of whey protein is obtained through a process of enzymatic hydrolysis, which breaks down the protein molecules into smaller sizes to facilitate absorption by the body.

As such, it tends to offer less BCCA (branched-chain amino acids) compared to whey isolate. It is generally the most expensive of the three types of whey.

It can be a good option for those who have difficulty digesting proteins, have problems with gas or poor digestion when consuming the isolated or concentrated supplement, or for athletes who want faster muscle recovery.

It can be used pre- or immediately post-workout to improve muscle recovery and protein production.

All three types of whey are high-quality proteins, each with its own specific characteristics. Choosing the ideal whey protein will depend on your individual needs and goals.

Top Whey 3W

Whether you’re already used to consuming whey protein or you’re just starting out, we have several types of supplement for you to achieve your training goals.

We even have a line that contains all three types of whey protein in the same formulation: Top Whey 3W.

Top Whey 3W is an exclusive Max Titanium formula and the most awarded protein supplement in Brazil! It can be used by anyone looking to maintain, recover or gain muscle mass.

Click here to find out all the information about this line, and here are some tips to find out which whey protein is best for you.

How do you choose the right whey protein?

There is no specific formula or answer to this question, as the right choice of whey protein depends on the results each person wants to achieve. But the good news is that some tips can help a lot in this process, as we’ll see below.

1 - Identify your training goals

The first step in choosing the whey protein you are going to consume is to identify your training goals. Whey can be used to help you lose weight, gain muscle mass and even to help with a treatment, among other things.

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Saber quais são os seus objetivos vai ajudar a definir qual whey você deve comprar.

Having a clear idea of why you want to consume whey is fundamental to choosing the right product and getting good results. If you’re looking to gain muscle mass, for example, concentrated whey protein could be an interesting option.

If your goal is to lose weight, isolated whey protein may be more suitable, as this version has less sugar and fat than concentrated whey protein, for example.

2 - Choose a flavor that pleases your palate

With your goals well defined, it’s easier to make other decisions regarding the choice of whey, such as the flavor, for example. If the focus is on gaining muscle mass, the ideal is to look for a flavored product, which makes it more pleasant to consume.

You can find whey in different flavors, such as strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. Choose the one that tastes best to you, so it’s easier to incorporate whey into your diet without having to make a huge effort.

3 - Avoid products with too many additives

On the other hand, health-conscious people should opt for unflavored whey, which has fewer additives in its composition.

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Opte por produtos que não venham carregados de aditivos.

To solve the issue of the product’s palatability, we suggest blending it with fruit or adding it to other culinary preparations .

A third option for those who want to gain muscle mass and are also concerned about their health are isolated products with natural flavorings.

4 - Get advice from a specialist

The use of supplements should always be done in moderation and within a balanced diet. It is therefore essential to consult a health professional before adding a new supplement such as whey protein to your diet.

Choosing the right whey protein is only part of the process. To get significant results from your workouts, you need to combine the use of supplements with a healthy diet and a proper training routine.

Always consult a health professional, such as a doctor or nutritionist, for personalized advice.

The advice of these professionals is important when choosing the best type of whey , as they will be able to identify some fundamental issues, such as whether you are lactose intolerant, for example, or have any digestion problems.

The recommendation of the right supplement will be based on this type of information and peculiarities about your body .

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Tenha sempre a opinião de um especialista para consumir o produto e quantidade adequada a sua necessidade.

Making this appointment is very important! It is not recommended to take the product yourself, even if you know where it comes from. Otherwise, you run the risk of choosing a product that isn’t effective for what you need.

5 - Check the composition of the product

When choosing whey protein, it’s important to check some details regarding its composition, such as its amino acid profile.

It’s important to choose a product that contains all the essential amino acids, especially leucine, which is important for stimulating protein synthesis and muscle growth.

Also note the concentration and quality of the protein in the product. The ideal is to choose a whey protein that contains at least 80% protein, which is quickly absorbed by the body (like whey protein isolate, for example).

Tabela da composicao do Whey Isolado Max Titanium
Acima, uma tabela da composição do Whey Isolado Max Titanium.

Also check the product for carbohydrates and fats. If your goal is to lose weight, choose an option low in these elements.

In addition, some whey protein products contain other ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals and additional amino acids. Make sure these items are suitable for your training goals.

Now that you know the different types of whey protein, check out some more details about this supplement and the benefits that consuming this product offers.

What are the benefits of consuming whey protein?

As mentioned earlier in this article, whey protein is a dietary supplement that offers a number of health and sports performance benefits. We’ll look at the main ones in more detail below.

1 - Helps you gain mass

When taken after exercise, whey protein helps increase muscle protein synthesis, which is the process by which muscle cells build new proteins and become bigger and stronger.

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Auxílio no ganho de massa muscular é uma das principais funções do whey protein.

For these reasons, whey protein is the ideal supplement for those who want to boost strength levels, accentuate gains in muscle size and prevent damage to muscle tissue that occurs after exercise.

2 - Improves muscle recovery

Consuming whey protein can also help reduce muscle catabolism, which is the process by which muscle cells break down their own proteins for energy.

This is especially important during periods of intense training, when the body needs proteins to recover and repair damaged muscle tissue.

As it is quickly absorbed by the body, whey is an excellent post-workout option. It helps repair the damage caused to muscles during exercise and reduces late muscle soreness.

3 - Increases satiety

Whey protein helps increase the feeling of satiety due to its high concentration of proteins and essential amino acids, which are nutrients that help reduce appetite and control food intake.

This means that the supplement helps keep blood sugar levels stable, preventing hunger spikes and reducing the desire to eat foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars.

For these reasons, whey protein can be an interesting option for people who want to control their appetite and reduce their food intake, whether to lose weight or maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

4 - Strengthens the immune system

Whey protein contains a number of nutrients that can help strengthen the immune system, such as glutamine, immunoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and betalactalbumin.

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O consumo de whey age diretamente no auxilio do sistema imunológico do paciente.

These elements help to boost innate immunity, protecting the body against infections and diseases.

5 - Helps control sugar levels

Another interesting and little-known benefit of whey protein is that it regulates blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

It can help increase insulin sensitivity and improve the body’s utilization of glucose.

The proteins in the supplement help keep blood glucose levels stable, making whey protein a healthy option for diabetics.

6 - Contributes to bone health

This supplement is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, nutrients of great importance for bone health.

Therefore, consuming whey protein as recommended by your health professional also helps to strengthen your bones and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

In addition to these benefits, whey protein can also be an interesting option for vegetarians who find it difficult to get the right amount of protein in their diet.

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Com o fortalecimento dos ossos, você terá um condicionamento muito melhor para buscar seus objetivos.

Whether you’re already used to consuming whey protein or you’re just starting out, we have various types of supplement for you to achieve your training goals. See below for all of Max Titanium’s whey protein options.


About Felipe Donatto

Felipe Fedrizzi Donatto é nutricionista esportivo, Mestre em Educação Física pela UNIMEP e Doutor em Ciências pelo ICB-USP. Nutricionista e Expert MaxTitanium. Professor de pós graduação em nutrição esportiva, nutrição clínica, fitoterapia e fisiologia do exercício. Palestrante internacional IFBB e Speaker ISSN EUA. Possui artigos publicados em revistas científicas nacionais e internacionais e ministra conferências ao redor do mundo como EUA, Dubai, Peru e Colômbia.